FAQ - HTML / CSS Snippets

Tidy More-Photos thumbnails on galleries on mobile.
If using default mobile - this snippet will reformat raggedy thumbnails applied to more photos area on galleries. Applied to mobile css area.

Out of Stock Stamp
Add this CSS to your stylesheet to have out of stock products show as Sold (rectangle / circle options)

Circle Stamps CSS for featured products/stock
If you theme does not support product stamps, you can add the code to your content.css file area. Note: May not be compatible with all templates.

Default Social Widget Styling
Customise the social widget icons

Variable Font Embedding

Calendar styling

Smooth Scrolling down the page
Enable smooth scrolling when jumping to a bookmark.

Ordered List Numerical Intent Styling

Hide company field

Multi Option Select - Horizontal Grid Format

Show all Product Tabs in List

Safari Aspect Ratio tweak

CSS - Convert Postcard Slider format to hover format

Bulk Emailer - Working CSS Gradient Hack for Outlook 365

Hide first thumbnail - Product View Page

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